Yearly Archives: 2023

Water Features on Public Lands Offer Beauty and Tranquility

Considering the tranquility and uplifted spirits water features offer humankind, adding and maintaining such beautiful spots on public lands can uplift a community. 

Take for example an experience we had working with the Town of Huntington.

Before Deck and Patio moved to our present location in Greenlawn, NY, our home base was in Huntington Station, just a few blocks from the local train station.  


Local Residents Hunger for Natural Beauty


Before Deck and Patio Started Work

Before Deck and Patio Started Work

One day, a member of our team was engaged in a casual conversation with a few women planting flowers near the train station. As a local landscaper, we offered to help by adding plants, flowers, shrubs and moss rocks.

“A problem became immediately apparent,” says our own Dave Stockwell. “There wasn’t any water source for maintaining the plants. The women had been lugging five-gallon buckets of water from their condos to maintain them.”

Dave adds that there was also no walkway to the station beyond a small brick and cement sidewalk and a dirt path. Plus it wasn’t handicap accessible. It felt that the spot needed more than just plants and shrubs.



Water Feature (Huntington Train Station/NY)

Water Feature (Huntington Train Station/NY)

After consulting with Deck and Patio’s own Rainwater Harvesting Group, we approached the Town of Huntington. “They were completely on board,” says Dave.

The key was to capture rainwater that would maintain the flowers and an attractive water feature. 

With the Town’s cooperation, Deck and Patio installed a self-sustaining water feature with an underground reservoir to store captured rainwater. To help accumulate the most rainfall as well as add a paver pathway for direct access from the curb to the parking lot, we constructed a walk area made of permeable pavers.



Rainwater Harvesting System (Huntington Train Station/NY)

Techo-Block Permeable Pavers (Huntington Train Station/NY)


“We used Techo-Bloc permeable pavers and installed them over gravel and a rubber liner.,” says Dave. “These pavers allow the rainwater to seep into the ground and into the reservoir where it can be recirculated.

“No Town water is needed to maintain it. Plus, this eco-friendly system keeps a good amount of falling non-filtered rainwater from going into the Town’s sewer system and on into Huntington Bay.”





Sustainable Water Feature (Huntington Train Station/NY):

Sustainable Water Feature (Huntington Train Station/NY):

The water feature is not just for aesthetics. It is highly functional. Its waterfall aerates the water — or oxygenates it which also keeps mosquitos at bay. The water plants we added absorb nutrients and pollutants to help purify the water. All together, the gravel, liner, and plants create a self-sustaining rainwater harvesting garden. The area is now a magnet for local birds who come here to bathe and drink.


Rainwater Harvesting Water Feature (Huntington Station/NY):

Rainwater Harvesting Water Feature (Huntington Station/NY):

The Aquascape Rainwater Harvesting System includes an auxiliary pump connected to the irrigation system. This ensures that the water used isn’t city water, but harvested entirely from rainwater. The below ground Aquascape Aqua Blox Reservoir holds 500 gallons of rainwater.


Rainwater Harvesting at Huntington Station NY

Rainwater Harvesting at Huntington Station NY

Where once was only a dirt path from the sidewalk to the train parking lot, permeable pavers allow easy walking (arrow area pavers) while capturing and filtering rainwater for reuse. The pavers used are Techo-Bloc Victorien Permeable Pavers.



2 Beautiful Landscaping Plans Expertly Brought To Life

Whether it’s using your own computerized landscape program or Deck and Patio’s, our experts are able to bring your dreams to life. Today, we are showcasing two beautiful backyard upgrades that began with a computerized plan. 

And don’t let the sudden snow this week dissuade you. Even if we get more snow, Deck and Patio can work with Google Earth and local property information to keep the planning and construction of your hearts desires on track.


  1. Transforming Existing Patios and Pool


3-D Design

3-D Design

Completed Project

Completed Project








This Deck and Patio project had existing patios and a pool. The key was to decide what to keep and what to remove. One part of the design expanded the original confining upper and lower patios. This also helped open up the space to allow unobstructed views of Long Island Sound available on their property.

We used 3-D animation to show how this multi-level pool area would change. We showed how we would turn what the client described as a problem area into a feature, by enlarging the upper area, where the client liked to sit in the shade and enjoy the view. The lower area was expanded for sunning; an outdoor kitchen was added for entertaining.

The extended upper patio — where the clients liked to sit in the shade and enjoy the view — now allows room for lots of comfortable outdoor furniture. In addition, an equally confining lower patio was enlarged for sunning; an outdoor kitchen (at the side of the house) was added for easy entertaining.

In addition, we upgraded their pool and spa and added colorful plants and flowers to enhance these vistas.


2. Preserving the Natural Environment


Landscape Design 3-D Animation Technology:

Landscape Design 3-D Animation Technology:

Professional Landscape Design:

Professional Landscape Design:








This Deck and Patio project required that we preserve the natural environment. This involved restructuring the property’s unattractive retaining wall systems — often required on Long Island’s rocky sloping properties — but which are not normally hidden by a body of water such a pool. However, for this award-winning outdoor retreat, that’s just what we did.

 “We conceived the freeform concrete wall of a vinyl-lined pool positioned into the hillside,” says Dave Stockwell, owner of Deck and Patio. “This way, the pool wall became part of a retaining wall system.”

Deck and Patio designed a curved-steel, reinforced-concrete wall with the strength to withstand the pressure exerted by the slope — and the sheer weight of 20 tons of boulders sitting on the pool beam itself.

All this would have been hard for our clients to visualize without the computerized plans. Especially hard would have been feeling assured that their majestic property’s natural environment would be carefully preserved.

With so much rock and pavers built into the design, we understood it was imperative to soften the impact of these massive structures by scalloping the plants into the hillside with a wide variety of colorful perennial, deciduous and evergreen plant material for a year-round impact.

“Amphitheater-Like” Landscape Environment:

“Amphitheater-Like” Landscape Environment:

The property’s undulating hillside enabled Deck & Patio to create an “amphitheater-like” environment with two spectacular water features:

–a 6-foot-high waterfall into the pool, –and a 4-foot-high cascading waterfall from the spa into the pool.

These large water features not only present a visual impact from every viewing angle, but the enhanced sound effect of the cascading waters minimizes the noise pollution coming from a nearby heavily trafficked road.



3-D Design

3-D Design



Using a computerized presentation format — whether it’s Deck and Patio’s or yours’ — means you do not have to guess what the project will look like. Such presentations also allow construction crews to have a better understanding of what exactly is being built.


Stepping Stones Help Make the Most of Your Backyard 

Long Island has many expansive properties — as well as places where space is at a premium. No matter its size, stepping stones can help you make the most out of the property you have.


Create Stepping Stone Areas in Lieu of Patios

Stepping Stone Paths (Long Island/NY):

Stepping Stone Paths (Long Island/NY):



These clients, for example, wanted a footpath leading to their tool shed. But they had a small backyard. And we were already installing extensive multi-level paver patios. So it wasn’t surprising they didn’t want more solid hardscape on the opposite side of the pool.

Instead, bluestone stepping stones allowed for greenery to show through. Along with attractive plantings on either side of the pathway, the journey to their shed offers an uplifting experience that’s not just about the tasks at hand.




Hide Storage and Equipment 

Long Island/NY Backyard Nature Walk:

Long Island/NY Backyard Nature Walk:


For these Deck and Patio clients, we combined several good ideas for maximizing space.

The stepping stones were installed to make a special walking area for the homeowners as they move around their backyard.

“While this kind of space is ideal on its own,” says our own Dave Stockwell, “the idea came to us when we were looking for a creative way to hide their new swimming pool equipment.

“We decided to create this wilderness area with plantings etc. in a way that offered contemplation moments while at the same time finding a creative way to hide their pool equipment.”




Create Memorable Escape


Waterfall Walk

Waterfall Walk




In this Deck and Patio project, the bluestone stepping stones were installed to lead past cascading waterfalls, including a dramatic 7’-high waterfall. “This is a very special experience for the clients,” says Dave. “The waterfall is reminiscent of their family’s vacations.

“Usually waterfalls drop into a pond or pool and you can’t walk this close to them. But these fall on firm ground, installed over river rock, underneath which is a ‘pondless’ reservoir.








Practical Pathway 

Stepping Stones and Ponds

Stepping Stones and Ponds

Not all stepping stones are flat bluestone slabs. The Japanese introduced Zen-garden landscape design centuries ago, inspiring the world to place larger stones as stepping stones across ponds and water feature

“The clients’ desire for a natural-scape in this yard helped inspire us,” says Dave.

First, Deck and Patio installed regular flat bluestone stepping stones leading up to a flowing stream water feature we were doing. Then, larger natural stones were added to walk across the stream.

More flat bluestone was positioned on the other side as a walkway up to the clients’ pool area. Finally, we also added moss rock in various places which adds color and texture.

“Our clients even enjoy it in winter when the moss rock boulders around the stream become sparkling ice sculptures,” adds Dave.




Ponds, Decks, and Landscaping

Ponds, Decks, and Landscaping

Feature Photo: A deck can be part of the pond/stepping stone contemplation space, too. This Deck and Patio deck was designed with a viewing platform to enjoy the new pond with waterfalls and beautiful landscaping.

At the bottom of a set of stairs, we placed the first of several large stepping stones leading from the deck, providing a delightful walk across the pond to other viewing areas of the multi-faceted water feature.




Backyard Upgrades that Fido And Kitty Will Love

Like humans, dogs and cats love the outdoors. So today we’re all about backyard upgrades that Fido or Kitty will love.



  1. Synthetic Turf Dog Run

Photo: SYNLawn

What’s not to love about synthetic grass? There’s no mowing. No watering. No weed pulling. Synthetic turf does not harbor fleas or ticks. It offers good drainage. Is kid-friendly — and above all, dog friendly. Not to mention your pet will not be exposed to chemicals or natural-grass pesticides that some believe cause allergies.

If that’s not enough reason to go synthetic for Fido, imagine no brown spots or holes to fill because of the dog’s activities. Plus, after a rambunctious outing, he’ll be as clean as he was before he went out — no tracking mud and dirt back into the house, even when the weather is bad. We also understand cleaning synthetic turf is quite easy.

There are a variety of manufacturers of turf grass. Our photo today is courtesy of SYNLawn. We want to thank them for sharing a photo of two best-pups relaxing on a dog run made from their synthetic turf.


2. Upscale Pet Playhouse

Photo: Long Island Builders institute’s (LIBI)

Photo: Long Island Builders institute’s (LIBI)


We’re highlighting this pet playhouse because, although it was built to be a donation, it highlights a growing trend for residential backyards. It was showcased along with other upscale pet playhouses at Long Island Builders Institute’s (LIBI) Annual Home, Trade and Remodeling Expo a while back. The playhouses were built by various LIBI members and were later donated to local town animal shelters.

This handsome playhouse is shaped like a dinosaur, which the team at LIBI describes as welcoming “any little animal who wants to play and rest.” It was donated to the Hempstead animal shelter. Cool, yes?

Thanks to LIBI for sharing it with us.




3.  Good Pond Design

Deck and Patio Pond in Spring

Deck and Patio Pond in Spring


While Kitty may not be the best pet to have around a koi pond (not if you love your fish, too). But Fido will enjoy watching and not harm these friendly aquatic jewel companions. 

Tip: As the weather warms, pond fish come out of winter hibernation. As koi lethargy turns to activity, inactivity in the family is also overcome. Children want to run outside and feed them. And Fido can’t wait to get up close and spend time watching his friends swim around.




4. Garden Fences

Garden Fence Construction:

Garden Fence Construction:

Vegetable Garden Fencing:

Vegetable Garden Fencing:








In recent years, there has been a huge surge in home vegetableSo, today, the garden fence idea we’re sharing is intended to help you keep Fido out of mischief.

This was on the mind of Deck and Patio clients — who brought us in to build a new patio, shade pergola, wood-burning fireplace, fire pit, landscaping etc. — also wanted a small herb/vegetable garden.

The only problem was the homeowners feared the larger of their two dogs would trample any garden they created. Some sort of fencing would be required. But they wanted something that didn’t detract from the limited natural space they had.

While considering our clients’ concerns, we were cutting down a large overgrown bush in the yard when a unique idea occurred to our project manager. A fence made from the old bush would offer a whimsical piece of natural design to the yard.

And speaking of fencing …



     5. Install a “catio”

Catios Require Proper Enclosures

Catios Require Proper Enclosures

Just like the name suggests, a ‘catio’ is a cat-patio. They can stand alone or be attached to one of your home’s doors or windows. In this way, the cat can go out and in when it chooses.

What you want for this space is an opened-framed enclosure that has walls. While some suggest chicken wire for this, a building expert known to this writer also happens to help run a cat shelter. He says be sure to choose 16-gauge galvanized fencing, because regular chicken wire leaves jagged edges and the kitties can actually get their claws stuck in it and hurt themselves.

For a wide variety of catio ideas we suggest the blogs by Catiospaces.



6.  A Water Fountain for Kitty

Fountain for Kitty

Fountain for Kitty


Cats are notorious for being fussy about their water bowls. And forget about giving them a bath. 

But did you realize they do like running water? They are smart enough to stay away from standing water which can grow bacteria while recognizing running water is fresh.

So providing Kitty some sort of gentle fountain outdoors will ensure your cat drinks more water during the day. And considering many cats don’t drink enough water, such a fountain solves that problem while providing an enjoyable sound for humans as well.

“We can build a special custom fountain for your yard,” says our own Dave Stockwell, “and we also have ready-made fountain kits that you can install yourself or we can install for you.”





7.  Provide Hiding Spots

The upscale pet playhouse (shown above) is a good idea for cats as well. Creating warm, dark, enclosed spaces where your cat can get away to is just as helpful outdoors as indoors.

Outdoor scratching posts and something they can safely climb are also good ideas. 


Cats, dogs, cows, pigs all love being outdoors. Even in winter! We thought all you pet lovers would enjoy a few moments of watching animals frolicking in the snow. 

Valentine Roses: Red Isn’t The Only Color We Love

Valentine’s Day Dinner/Red Rose

Valentine’s Day Dinner/Red Rose


Red roses are always a great option for your Valentine and for a Valentine’s own garden plans. Indeed, for Valentine’s you’ll find that most of the focus on roses will be on the “red” rose, which are known for symbolizing love and passion.





But there are other options that have strong appeal.

“One thing we’ve learned in our landscaping work at Deck and Patio,” says our owner Dave Stockwell, “is red isn’t the only rose color that people love. And not only are there very different rose colors, there are also beautiful variations of red.”

But you don’t have to take just our word. The editor of the Los Angeles floral trade publication has been quoted as saying, “Studies show that women don’t necessarily prefer red roses. Indeed, most women prefer another color.”


Examples of Landscaping with ‘Other’ Roses

Orange (Apricot-Pink) Roses 

Orange (Apricot-Pink) Roses


One beautiful choice Deck and Patio made was this stunning apricot-pink rose bed that we planted next to our client’s pool. “Such a brightly hued plant gets attention,” says Dave, “and in smaller spaces like this, the dramatic color helps the landscape recede behind it — causing the overall area to seem larger.”

It is arguable that “orange” roses like these have the most attitude in the rose family. These beauties are known for enthusiasm, not to mention passion.

The color also suggests a sense of significance and even urgency — perhaps just the right color to draw your loved ones outside on a warm summer day.



Pink Roses

Pink Roses



When it comes to pink roses — like these beautiful ones planted and cared for by Deck and Patio — their color symbolizes gentleness and poetic romance, making them another great choice for Valentine’s Day.

They are extremely delicate and graceful and make an exquisite statement in any garden.





Yellow Roses

Yellow Roses

Traditionally, yellow roses symbolize friendship but they are so sunny that they spread joy to anyone who stops to smell them.

The very earliest yellow roses discovered by Europeans was in the Middle East. But when they brought them home, they noticed they lacked the red rose’s enticing scent.

Through cultivation since then, however, the yellow rose boasts the same lovely fragrance as their sister flora. You simply can’t go wrong giving yellow roses or planting a garden blooming with sunny yellow roses.




Caring for Roses


Mystic Rose - Photo/Sandra Vultaggio

Mystic Rose – Photo/Sandra Vultaggio

Whatever their color, roses need a bit of care in your garden.

Sandra Vultaggio, a local Horticulture expert, says roses should be planted in the sun.

“Also, they need a good amount of air circulation around them,” she says. “Strictly avoid overhead irrigation or sprinkler heads. They will get more disease that way because viruses prefer wet environments. Keep them watered at the roots through a drip system or soaker hose.”

Sandra adds that the best time to plant is really any time throughout the growing season. “An ideal time would be early in the season — April or May.”



Knockout Rose

Knockout Rose

“Contrary to popular belief,” adds Dave Stockwell, “while knockout roses are extremely hardy and withstand blights, that doesn’t mean they don’t need some care like fertilizer, pruning and water. Also, some knockouts have succumbed to rosette disease. But if you do the basics, and keep an eye out for any strange looking bright red shoots, these are a great choice.”

Because of their hardiness, Deck and Patio gets a lot of requests for knockout roses, partly because they bloom for a long time throughout growing season and are much easier to care for. They are known to be disease and insect resistant which has made them quite popular. 




New Love Rose

New Love Rose



Here’s to all the Valentines of 2023! Whether it is roses on the big day or for your gardens. Let the color rose you love bring love to your day.




By |2023-02-09T14:32:42-05:00February 9th, 2023|Backyard Maintenance, Backyard Refurbishments, Backyard Upgrades, Gardening, Gift Ideas, Landscaping, Outdoor Living, outdoor maintenance, Plantings/Pondscapes, Plants, Pool Surrounds, Seasonal Landscapes|Comments Off on Valentine Roses: Red Isn’t The Only Color We Love

Staycations: Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

The weather is going to be pretty cold over the next few days. A good time to stay indoors and plan for warm weather staycations

That said, there are many of you with small backyards who find themselves living inside even during the warm outdoor season. You may want to be outside, but like the following clients, you may not enjoy your less-than-special backyard. As for upgrading, you may fear the practicality and costs of to create anything of quality. 

Budget-Friendly Decks

Fiberon Protect Advantage Cedar Capped Composite Decking: Lattice not only makes an attractive base, its gaps provide ventilation, thereby inhibiting mold growth underneath the deck.

Fiberon Protect Advantage Cedar Capped Composite Decking: Lattice not only makes an attractive base, its gaps provide ventilation, thereby inhibiting mold growth underneath the deck.

“Not all decks need be elaborate and expensive,” says our own Dave Stockwell. “For example, this budget-friendly deck we built for clients is modestly sized, yet large enough for a dining table, loungers and barbecue. It was designed to be just two steps above grade so a railing was not required either — another cost saver.” 

Quality: The material Deck and Patio used is from Fiberon. We liked this composite decking for its beautiful wood-like multi-chromatic grain pattern, says Dave, which belies how highly functional it is. 

As a composite cellular material of durable polymer, it is moisture resistant. Plus, no organic material is involved, so no mold will grow on it. Low maintenance, lovely to look at, sufficiently ample in size, yet it was very budget-friendly.

Small Backyard Landscaping Tip: “When working with tighter places,” adds Dave, “allow enough room for a chaise lounge, dining, barbecue, and sufficient space to walk around. At the same time, do not overbuild the whole available space.”

Fiberon Protect Advantage Cedar Capped Composite Decking:

Fiberon Protect Advantage Cedar Capped Composite Decking:

This is the project described above. Another small backyard landscaping tip: Planters are a budget-friendly way to add bursts of color around the deck. You can even grow vegetables in planters such as a “summer salad” container for tomatoes and cucumbers, says Deck and Patio’s Dave Stockwell. You can be sure these clients use their backyard a good deal now — for sun bathing, dining, and entertaining.


Small Backyards with Hot Tubs












“We’re frequently asked about how to make a pretty setting for a hot tub in a small backyard,” says Dave.

As you will see from the before photo (above left), space for these clients was tight. Even so, this Massapequa couple longed to enjoy their backyard more.

“So in lieu of what would have been a more expensive pool, the couple decided on a hot tub, installed with a custom look, in-ground, which would also made it easier to get in and out of,” says Dave.

However, even though these Deck and Patio clients knew they’d love spending time outdoors in their new hot tub, they wanted something beautiful to look at while in it. 

They certainly did not want to be facing their home’s siding, or even just a plain line of healthy evergreens. The idea of a pond, with soothing waterfall, and colorful koi swimming about that they could feed right from the hot tub, was the perfect complement (see right photo) 




Upshot? The pond with waterfalls, custom hot tub installation, and landscaping were still considerably less expensive than a pool. “A small backyard is an ideal place for a hot tub,” adds Dave. Note: Deck and Patio has portable CAL Spas in stock at our design center.


Fountainscapes Are Perfect in Small Spaces




Even a simple fountain will provide the delightful sound of moving water and a picturesque setting. Such sounds upgrade a routine garden into a spot that makes you want to stay home and just relax.

Certainly this Deck and Patio landscaping project included just the right touch to take it from pretty to sublime. There’s nothing quite like the sound of water to make us relax.

Although Deck and Patio installed this “stacked stone urn” fountain for the clients, they are easy DIY projects.

The kits come pretty well fabricated with a catch basin, pump, piping, and in different sizes. The one we used is the smallest (32” tall) — a perfect scale for this garden.


Staycations: Plan for Some Backyard Thrills This Summer

Staycations are back — if they ever went away. And our next few blogs will highlight elements that help create a wonderful home-vacation. This week we’re showcasing Deck and Patio water slide projects.

Believe it or not, mid-January is the ideal time to plan for such summer backyard thrills. 


Swimming Pool Slides

Vortex Slide

Vortex Slide

Families that have visited waterparks may already be familiar with such names as Vortex, Typhoon, or Cyclone. And such exciting water slides are possible at home, too.

Deck and Patio has installed such slides on Long Island and the New York Metro area for years (see below). Their sizes and shapes have varied, as well as the scope of the project installations — depending on the client’s budget, property size, and the amount of adrenaline rush desired.

Of course, you can have a slide, on its own, well-secured to your pool without any special landscaping. Or you can have a landscaping firm like Deck and Patio design/build a special setting around the slide you choose.

Beyond even that, one company makes a slide that can be custom-built to fit your existing landscape or future landscape plans. BYOS 1 and BYOS 2 slides, for example, are configured and designed to fit your plans and ideas.

“One thing very special about BYOS,” says Deck and Patio’s Dave Stockwell, “is they can be set into a sloped landscape to look almost natural or just plan funky and fun. You decide everything. That’s the real fun of it.”


Wild Ride Slide: Fun for Kids and Adults

Wild Ride Slide: Fun for Kids and Adults


Kids love water and action. Pool slides and diving rocks are two favorite pool amenities. “When we add a slide, we build it safe for the kids by setting it in around boulders and plants so if they ever fall when climbing up its steps, it won’t be far and with a soft landing,” says Dave. 

“Also note that next to this Deck and Patio-installed Wild Ride water slide with its water falling into the pool, we installed a moss rock waterfall that flows with force over extended rock.



Side Benefits of Swimming Pool Slides

No matter the scope of the slide project, when not in use by thrill-seekers, the calming sounds of water spilling from the slide into your pool transforms your new Cyclone, Typhoon, Wild Ride etc. into a gentle water feature.

So readers: You learned it here first. Water slides aren’t just for thrills. On any given day, they can also help you relax.


Access to Pool Slide:

Access to Pool Slide:

It is important to have sufficient room to allow easy access to the slide and any surrounding patio. For this Deck and Patio project, in order to cut back on having too much hardscape, we used stepping stones up from the patio to the slide, which are more in keeping with the slide’s natural setting.


Serpentine Slide:

Serpentine Slide:

Talk about thrills! Deck and Patio created this award-winning feature several years ago. It called for installing a large serpentine slide around a huge moss rock water feature.


Serpentine Slide:

Serpentine Slide:

This is the same slide project as pictured immediately above. When we worked on this water feature, we added large natural stones for the climb up to the top of the slide. Also note how an additional waterfall from the hilltop stream falls into the slide itself for an additional thrill.


Natural Retaining Walls:

Natural Retaining Walls:

When planning out this project, we suggested using Rocka steps, moss rock boulders, and creeping plant material instead of the usual retaining wall. This more natural setting provided the sloping landscape required for a fun pool slide. And it makes for a beautiful natural retaining wall, doesn’t it?


BYOS Custom Slide:

BYOS Custom Slide:

This slide is not one of ours. It was custom built by BYOS for Pulliam Pools in Texas. It’s a great example of perfectly fitting a custom-slide into a beautiful landscape plan. Photo: Courtesy of BYOS.



Swim-Up Bars Bring Vacation Experience Back Home


Updated 3-28-28

Published reports  abound on the best resort swim-up bars one can enjoy when traveling the world — be it by Conde Nash Traveler, HGTV, TripAdvisor, Men’s Journal, etc. As for a more home grown, consider Michigan’s First Swim Up Bar opening to the public this fall.

But do we really have to travel overseas or even to Michigan? How about one in our own backyard?


What Is a Swim-up Bar?

Swim-Up Bar

Swim-Up Bar

For the uninitiated, a traditional swim-up bar is a regular bar with a “wet side” and “dry side” which allows guests to swim-up and ask for a drink without having to leave the pool.

Standard swim-up bars consist of (1) a regular bar with countertop along the edge of your pool, (2) submerged and fixed bar stools in a more shallow part of the pool, (3) and a custom workstation on the swim-up bar’s “dry side.” 



Why does this pool amenity remain so popular?

Riviera Maya Caribbean Resort

Riviera Maya Caribbean Resort


“Swim up bars remind people of their Caribbean and other exotic vacations where they could stay in the pool or on the beach, order and enjoy their piña coladas,” says Dave Stockwell.

“They are also great spots for swimmers and sunbathers to meet up and talk, without the swimmers having to get out of the pool or the backyard strollers to get wet.”



Doing Double-Duty

Deck and Patio Swim-up Bar

Deck and Patio Swim-up Bar

“If swim-up bars are designed well,” adds Dave, “they can also be used as a dry bar — that is they can be enjoyed solely from its other side.”

In fact, Deck and Patio specializes in creating bars that do just that — do double duty as a dry bar and swim-up. Take, for example, this stunning bar shown here. 

It’s really enjoyable to swim up to this 38-foot “swim-up bar”with submerged barstools.

“The key is each swim-up bar should be unique, designed and custom-made for each project,” says Dave. “Whether it’s the bar’s counter-top, any necessary retaining walls, masonry work, in-pool stools, electrical and plumbing work, it takes skill and experience to ensure it’s perfectly functional, safe, and beautiful.”

Note: As you can see from this Deck and Patio swim-up, it’s also a dry bar on the other side.


Swim-Up Bars Shade Structures

While not necessary, a shade structure with the swim-up bar is frequently requested. As a licensed contractor, Deck and Patio is well known across Long Island for award-winning design and custom building.

Some shade structure options are:


Shade Structures

Shade Structures


— shade pergolas, 

— trellises, 

— gazebos and 

— pavilions. 




A shade structure should blend harmoniously with other elements in your yard and can include everything from an outdoor kitchen, pizza oven, fireplace,” says Dave. “With such additions, your guests can enjoy dining, as well as drinks, from your swim-up bar.” 

The main point, of course, is to have sufficient sun protection in that part of your yard and pool.


Lagoon-style Swimming Pools:

Lagoon-style Swimming Pools:

In addition to a dramatic waterfall area, a stunning Cambridge paver patio and water slide, these clients wanted a swim-up bar with in-pool stools, and Tiki umbrellas. 

Landscaping: Throughout this backyard retreat, smaller groups of boulders were fitted with plantings for natural and attractive retaining areas.

The photo below shows the other side of the swim up bar with examples of the landscaped boulders and plants.


True Backyard Retreat

True Backyard Retreat

“With True Blue Swimming Pool’s beautiful pool, the clients got what everything they wanted, a full oasis that “wows,” says Dave.


Deck and Patio Swim-Up Bar


Today’s Feature Photo at Top of Page: This is an example of combining many elements — use landscaping, a swim-up bar, pool waterfalls, natural retaining wall, shade structure,  etc. — to create a true enticing backyard resort.





When Should I Begin Planning My Backyard Upgrade?

While it’s not too cold now, you might be thinking that the weather could change abruptly at any moment. This is New York, after all. So you might be considering waiting until spring to plan and begin any major backyard upgrades.

“People think they can’t begin planning until it’s warm,” says Deck and Patio owner Dave Stockwell. “But that’s really not necessary at all. It can be done during any season, including winter.”

Google Earth Map

Google Earth Map


“Granted, it is helpful to see close up any existing patio or pool that’s being upgraded or replaced,” says Dave. “But much of our planning can be done through surveys and Google Earth. 

“Even if the ground is covered in snow, our experts don’t need to see the ground to begin,” adds Dave. “Plus, with the computer software available today, the drafting and collaboration design process is surprisingly quick — even providing an accurate representation of how your outdoor spaces will look after the work is done.”




How Computer Animation Helps


Backyard 3-D Animation Plan

Backyard 3-D Animation Plan

Completed Backyard Upgrade

Completed Backyard Upgrade








The 3-D animation (top left) not only shows what the yard will look like — including from different perspectives — tweaking and changes can easily be changed as the project goes along.

For this completed Long Island, NY, project (top right), the property had existing patios and a pool. The key was to decide what to keep and what to remove. 

One part of the design expanded the original confining upper and lower patios into both shady and sunny expansive areas. This also helped open up the space to allow unobstructed views of Long Island Sound.


Full Deck and Patio Backyard Retreat

When you’re hoping for a major upgrade that includes lots of special outdoor amenities — and especially if your property presents challenges to adding them — it is really a good idea to get started very early.

“In the following case, the clients’ hopes for a full outdoor retreat — pool, spa, patio, waterfall, custom fire pit — all on a tight budget and created in a tighter space — added to the challenges of dealing with their yard’s slope.”

Full Outdoor Retreat on Sloped Property

Full Outdoor Retreat on Sloped Property

“Our biggest problem to solve was how to make everything appear like it fit in naturally without it all looking like a giant hill.”

Our design/build staff approached the project by taking on the grade in small bites — working out from an existing lower level patio to a new raised patio and then up to a pool. 

Note: By surrounding the hot tub with natural stone boulders with colorful plantings, the hot tub has a custom set-in-garden appeal. It was also positioned close to their back door so they can enjoy easy access year-long. (Note: You can ask our team about the portable CAL Spas we sell.)


Pool Moss Rock Waterfalls (Huntington/NY):

Pool Moss Rock Waterfalls (Huntington/NY):



Here you see a closeup of the completed moss rock waterfall with the sweet potato vine we added. Landscaping helps bring a setting to life and softens the hardscape.

For more details about this project, click here.






Lush Landscapes

Lush Landscapes


Today’s Feature Photo at Top of Page: Vibrant, lush landscaping as well as a new patio, pool area with water slide, and custom spa with waterfalls takes planning. It’s wise to start, yes, even in January. 

Pantone’s 2023 Color of the Year: Living the ‘Viva Magenta’ Life


Artificial intelligence was used to generate Pantone’s images of the “Magentaverse.”

Artificial intelligence was used to generate Pantone’s images of the “Magentaverse.”



Pantone’s vivid crimson color — ‘Viva Magenta’ — is their 2023 color of the year. Elley Cheng, Pantone’s vice president and general manager, said that this tone “merges the warmth of the natural world with the endless, rich possibilities of the digital space.”




Pantone’s color choice may be intended to go beyond our natural world, However, Deck and Patio can’t help but keep our focus on how this vibrant cheerful color, which experts say inspires contentment, cheerfulness, and happiness, can be part of uplifting our clients’ daily lives.

Plant flowers, be happy

Plant flowers, be happy


Tip: Deck and Patio designers frequently receive requests for plants in the latest popular colors. We won’t be surprised to be asked for plantings in the vein of Pantone’s color for this year.

So let’s get planning our spring gardens — and magenta away.


Phlox paniculata:

Phlox paniculata:



These star-shaped perennials come in many colors, including a vibrant magenta. They bloom early spring and the tall phlox to mid-to-late summer. Low-growing phlox work well as ground cover while the tall phlox are a superb colorful backdrop.

“And the medium-height of phlox,” says our own Dave Stockwell, “offer a nice fragrance, are low maintenance and can nicely fill in any gaps.”





Magenta Coneflowers:

Magenta Coneflowers:



Today’s feature photo captures one of our pool landscaping projects, with magenta coneflowers helping to add cheer to this fun family space. 

Also known as Echinacea, these flowers are perfect for summer into fall. Native to our neck of the woods, they thrive in our climate. Not to mention, butterflies love them. 




Red Anemones

Magenta Red Anemones


Above a natural retaining wall, Deck and Patio carved out a patio area with waterfall where our clients can sit after a stroll and breathe it all in. Note the bright red Anemones on the left, across from the yellow Coneflowers. With lots of additional green ferns, the natural stone steps feel like a true nature walk. And that magenta red really makes you smile.




Monarda (Bee Balm)

Monarda (Bee Balm)



Native to North America, this beautiful flowering plant is from the mint family. It’s easy to grow, is deer resistant, and attracts pollinators. Its tubular flowers come in a variety colors including these magenta-red tubular flowers.





“There are loads of lovely magenta plants or flowers available for local gardens,” says Dave Stockwell. “Just speak with any member of our team, or contact our office, and we’ll be happy to include such cheerful blooms in your yard.”



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