Patios & Decks

2 Beautiful Landscaping Plans Expertly Brought To Life

Whether it’s using your own computerized landscape program or Deck and Patio’s, our experts are able to bring your dreams to life. Today, we are showcasing two beautiful backyard upgrades that began with a computerized plan. 

And don’t let the sudden snow this week dissuade you. Even if we get more snow, Deck and Patio can work with Google Earth and local property information to keep the planning and construction of your hearts desires on track.


  1. Transforming Existing Patios and Pool


3-D Design

3-D Design

Completed Project

Completed Project








This Deck and Patio project had existing patios and a pool. The key was to decide what to keep and what to remove. One part of the design expanded the original confining upper and lower patios. This also helped open up the space to allow unobstructed views of Long Island Sound available on their property.

We used 3-D animation to show how this multi-level pool area would change. We showed how we would turn what the client described as a problem area into a feature, by enlarging the upper area, where the client liked to sit in the shade and enjoy the view. The lower area was expanded for sunning; an outdoor kitchen was added for entertaining.

The extended upper patio — where the clients liked to sit in the shade and enjoy the view — now allows room for lots of comfortable outdoor furniture. In addition, an equally confining lower patio was enlarged for sunning; an outdoor kitchen (at the side of the house) was added for easy entertaining.

In addition, we upgraded their pool and spa and added colorful plants and flowers to enhance these vistas.


2. Preserving the Natural Environment


Landscape Design 3-D Animation Technology:

Landscape Design 3-D Animation Technology:

Professional Landscape Design:

Professional Landscape Design:








This Deck and Patio project required that we preserve the natural environment. This involved restructuring the property’s unattractive retaining wall systems — often required on Long Island’s rocky sloping properties — but which are not normally hidden by a body of water such a pool. However, for this award-winning outdoor retreat, that’s just what we did.

 “We conceived the freeform concrete wall of a vinyl-lined pool positioned into the hillside,” says Dave Stockwell, owner of Deck and Patio. “This way, the pool wall became part of a retaining wall system.”

Deck and Patio designed a curved-steel, reinforced-concrete wall with the strength to withstand the pressure exerted by the slope — and the sheer weight of 20 tons of boulders sitting on the pool beam itself.

All this would have been hard for our clients to visualize without the computerized plans. Especially hard would have been feeling assured that their majestic property’s natural environment would be carefully preserved.

With so much rock and pavers built into the design, we understood it was imperative to soften the impact of these massive structures by scalloping the plants into the hillside with a wide variety of colorful perennial, deciduous and evergreen plant material for a year-round impact.

“Amphitheater-Like” Landscape Environment:

“Amphitheater-Like” Landscape Environment:

The property’s undulating hillside enabled Deck & Patio to create an “amphitheater-like” environment with two spectacular water features:

–a 6-foot-high waterfall into the pool, –and a 4-foot-high cascading waterfall from the spa into the pool.

These large water features not only present a visual impact from every viewing angle, but the enhanced sound effect of the cascading waters minimizes the noise pollution coming from a nearby heavily trafficked road.



3-D Design

3-D Design



Using a computerized presentation format — whether it’s Deck and Patio’s or yours’ — means you do not have to guess what the project will look like. Such presentations also allow construction crews to have a better understanding of what exactly is being built.


Stepping Stones Help Make the Most of Your Backyard 

Long Island has many expansive properties — as well as places where space is at a premium. No matter its size, stepping stones can help you make the most out of the property you have.


Create Stepping Stone Areas in Lieu of Patios

Stepping Stone Paths (Long Island/NY):

Stepping Stone Paths (Long Island/NY):



These clients, for example, wanted a footpath leading to their tool shed. But they had a small backyard. And we were already installing extensive multi-level paver patios. So it wasn’t surprising they didn’t want more solid hardscape on the opposite side of the pool.

Instead, bluestone stepping stones allowed for greenery to show through. Along with attractive plantings on either side of the pathway, the journey to their shed offers an uplifting experience that’s not just about the tasks at hand.




Hide Storage and Equipment 

Long Island/NY Backyard Nature Walk:

Long Island/NY Backyard Nature Walk:


For these Deck and Patio clients, we combined several good ideas for maximizing space.

The stepping stones were installed to make a special walking area for the homeowners as they move around their backyard.

“While this kind of space is ideal on its own,” says our own Dave Stockwell, “the idea came to us when we were looking for a creative way to hide their new swimming pool equipment.

“We decided to create this wilderness area with plantings etc. in a way that offered contemplation moments while at the same time finding a creative way to hide their pool equipment.”




Create Memorable Escape


Waterfall Walk

Waterfall Walk




In this Deck and Patio project, the bluestone stepping stones were installed to lead past cascading waterfalls, including a dramatic 7’-high waterfall. “This is a very special experience for the clients,” says Dave. “The waterfall is reminiscent of their family’s vacations.

“Usually waterfalls drop into a pond or pool and you can’t walk this close to them. But these fall on firm ground, installed over river rock, underneath which is a ‘pondless’ reservoir.








Practical Pathway 

Stepping Stones and Ponds

Stepping Stones and Ponds

Not all stepping stones are flat bluestone slabs. The Japanese introduced Zen-garden landscape design centuries ago, inspiring the world to place larger stones as stepping stones across ponds and water feature

“The clients’ desire for a natural-scape in this yard helped inspire us,” says Dave.

First, Deck and Patio installed regular flat bluestone stepping stones leading up to a flowing stream water feature we were doing. Then, larger natural stones were added to walk across the stream.

More flat bluestone was positioned on the other side as a walkway up to the clients’ pool area. Finally, we also added moss rock in various places which adds color and texture.

“Our clients even enjoy it in winter when the moss rock boulders around the stream become sparkling ice sculptures,” adds Dave.




Ponds, Decks, and Landscaping

Ponds, Decks, and Landscaping

Feature Photo: A deck can be part of the pond/stepping stone contemplation space, too. This Deck and Patio deck was designed with a viewing platform to enjoy the new pond with waterfalls and beautiful landscaping.

At the bottom of a set of stairs, we placed the first of several large stepping stones leading from the deck, providing a delightful walk across the pond to other viewing areas of the multi-faceted water feature.




Staycations: Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

The weather is going to be pretty cold over the next few days. A good time to stay indoors and plan for warm weather staycations

That said, there are many of you with small backyards who find themselves living inside even during the warm outdoor season. You may want to be outside, but like the following clients, you may not enjoy your less-than-special backyard. As for upgrading, you may fear the practicality and costs of to create anything of quality. 

Budget-Friendly Decks

Fiberon Protect Advantage Cedar Capped Composite Decking: Lattice not only makes an attractive base, its gaps provide ventilation, thereby inhibiting mold growth underneath the deck.

Fiberon Protect Advantage Cedar Capped Composite Decking: Lattice not only makes an attractive base, its gaps provide ventilation, thereby inhibiting mold growth underneath the deck.

“Not all decks need be elaborate and expensive,” says our own Dave Stockwell. “For example, this budget-friendly deck we built for clients is modestly sized, yet large enough for a dining table, loungers and barbecue. It was designed to be just two steps above grade so a railing was not required either — another cost saver.” 

Quality: The material Deck and Patio used is from Fiberon. We liked this composite decking for its beautiful wood-like multi-chromatic grain pattern, says Dave, which belies how highly functional it is. 

As a composite cellular material of durable polymer, it is moisture resistant. Plus, no organic material is involved, so no mold will grow on it. Low maintenance, lovely to look at, sufficiently ample in size, yet it was very budget-friendly.

Small Backyard Landscaping Tip: “When working with tighter places,” adds Dave, “allow enough room for a chaise lounge, dining, barbecue, and sufficient space to walk around. At the same time, do not overbuild the whole available space.”

Fiberon Protect Advantage Cedar Capped Composite Decking:

Fiberon Protect Advantage Cedar Capped Composite Decking:

This is the project described above. Another small backyard landscaping tip: Planters are a budget-friendly way to add bursts of color around the deck. You can even grow vegetables in planters such as a “summer salad” container for tomatoes and cucumbers, says Deck and Patio’s Dave Stockwell. You can be sure these clients use their backyard a good deal now — for sun bathing, dining, and entertaining.


Small Backyards with Hot Tubs












“We’re frequently asked about how to make a pretty setting for a hot tub in a small backyard,” says Dave.

As you will see from the before photo (above left), space for these clients was tight. Even so, this Massapequa couple longed to enjoy their backyard more.

“So in lieu of what would have been a more expensive pool, the couple decided on a hot tub, installed with a custom look, in-ground, which would also made it easier to get in and out of,” says Dave.

However, even though these Deck and Patio clients knew they’d love spending time outdoors in their new hot tub, they wanted something beautiful to look at while in it. 

They certainly did not want to be facing their home’s siding, or even just a plain line of healthy evergreens. The idea of a pond, with soothing waterfall, and colorful koi swimming about that they could feed right from the hot tub, was the perfect complement (see right photo) 




Upshot? The pond with waterfalls, custom hot tub installation, and landscaping were still considerably less expensive than a pool. “A small backyard is an ideal place for a hot tub,” adds Dave. Note: Deck and Patio has portable CAL Spas in stock at our design center.


Fountainscapes Are Perfect in Small Spaces




Even a simple fountain will provide the delightful sound of moving water and a picturesque setting. Such sounds upgrade a routine garden into a spot that makes you want to stay home and just relax.

Certainly this Deck and Patio landscaping project included just the right touch to take it from pretty to sublime. There’s nothing quite like the sound of water to make us relax.

Although Deck and Patio installed this “stacked stone urn” fountain for the clients, they are easy DIY projects.

The kits come pretty well fabricated with a catch basin, pump, piping, and in different sizes. The one we used is the smallest (32” tall) — a perfect scale for this garden.


Landscaping Tips: Be Prepared for Snow This Winter

Even though we’ve not been hit with much winter weather yet, if you believe the Almanac, their forecasts suggest a colder than usual winter and a snowfall above normal. December being a possibility they say, as are January and February. 


Acrobatics Required

Acrobatics Required



Even if snow is light, if it’s followed by sleet, and/or warming, then freezing, the driveway or walkway can become so slick that getting the family from the front door to the car can require the skills of a Cirque de Soleil acrobat.






So it’s a good idea to ‘be prepared. And here’s some winter snow tips — whether or not you are handling your own snow removal:


— Ensure your snow blower, roof rake, deicers etc. are readily at hand;

— If you have a generator, have it checked out to be sure it’s operating properly;

— Put some fresh batteries in your carbon monoxide monitor.


Snow Removal:

Snow Removal:

Speaking of snow blowers. Even an inexpensive one is better than using a shovel.

 If you’re going to shovel, coat the scoop part with non-stick cooking spray. 

And lastly, whether you are using a snow blower or shoveling, remove the snow in small increments — don’t try to do it all at once.


Now. The real fun begins. 

Pre-Storm Driveway Preparation


Plow Stakes

Plow Stakes


No matter who will be doing the plowing of your property — a firm like our own Dix Hills Snowplowing, or on your own — even before word that a storm is approaching, “prep” your property (or have it prepped) by installing fiberglass stakes (sometimes called “plow stakes” or “snow stakes”).

Note: wood plow/snow stakes aren’t as strong as fiberglass and can be easily damaged.

The idea is to highlight where any costly Belgium Block or other edging is located, keeping it from being damaged by snow plows. For more on this, click here.



Roof Prep


Gutters in Winter

Gutters in Winter



Snow can cause a lot of pressure on your roof. 

One of the best ways to remove it is with a roof rake, so it’s good to have it readily on hand.

Also take a look at your gutters to make sure ice doesn’t dam them up and cause leaking into your home or attic. 

Some experts recommend stringing heat cables through them, or on the roof just above the gutters.

This should be done, of course, before major snowstorms to avoid any Clark Griswald-like ice rockets from a frozen gutter fail.





Professional Snow Removal


Dix Hills Snowplowing

Dix Hills Snowplowing

Of course, the easiest way to handle some of this is to contact professionals like Deck and Patio’s Dix Hills Snowplowing.

In speaking with our own Office Manager, Linda LaRose, if you live in our corner of Suffolk County (Huntington/Dix Hills) and wish to have us take care of your snow removal, you can contact us with no obligation (631-549-8100).

Once we hear from you, Linda will email a contract to review and you can always call her with questions before signing on, or incurring any expense. When you make this initial contact, this would be the right time to let us know if you have any special requirements: e.g., early service, service at 1-inch (ours usually begins at 2”), sand service, if garage doors need to shoveled, mail box cleared, etc.

We can also stake the driveway for you, if you ask for it. (Note: For snow removal from roofs, you should contact a roof contractor for their specialized service.)



By |2022-12-08T14:12:45-05:00December 8th, 2022|Backyard Maintenance, Bullfrog Spas, Deck and Patios, Driveways, Landscaping, outdoor maintenance, Patios & Decks, paving stones, Seasonal Landscapes, Snow Removal, Techo-Bloc|Comments Off on Landscaping Tips: Be Prepared for Snow This Winter

Winter-Friendly Durable Construction Products

Our winters on Long Island don’t always come with a lot of snow, but we do face extended cold streaks. For this reason alone, Deck and Patio values durable construction products that also look good.


Techo-Bloc Construction Paver Materials


Snow Removal:

Snow Removal:

Techo-Bloc products are engineered in Canada where they require extra strength due to our neighboring country’s extreme weather changes. Their pavers handle very well the freeze/thaw that occurs in our own corner of the Northeast.

“The stones will remain adaptable, even, and stable for years, as long as they are installed properly,” says our own Dave Stockwell.

Techo-Bloc pavers are nearly three times stronger than poured concrete, And when it comes to snow, these pavers can be plowed and shoveled. 

Actually, the edges and joints around the pavers assist in melting snow and ice, says the manufacturer. And that using de-icing salt (sodium chloride or calcium chloride) to remove snow and ice will not harm these paving stones.

Deck and Patio Project Using Techo-Bloc

Deck and Patio Project Using Techo-Bloc


This photo shows how natural Techo-Bloc pavers look. Instead of one-sized bricks placed throughout your entire patio or retaining wall or driveway, their kits provide “random” instead of straight lines for a handsome outcome.

“These products are available in pavers, slabs, walls, for facing outdoor features such as fire pits, edging, and include permeable materials,” says Dave.




Fiberon Capped Composite Decking


Photo Courtesy of Fiberon

Photo Courtesy of Fiberon

Fiberon offers capped composite decking boards, like the ones shown here. They are made of materials and a cap that resist moisture. Fiberon boards include a “cover” that provide added protection against the elements and everyday living.

Most wood decking materials face challenges in holding up to such weather.  Even moisture-resistant woods require regular sealing and parts of the underside can’t help but trap moisture.

“While most reputable capped composite manufacturers produce superb products that are stain, insect, mold and splinter resistant,” says Dave Stockwell, “Fiberon’s special warranty can also be a factor. Not only do clients get the usual 25-year warranty on materials, with Fiberon they also get a five-year warranty on labor.”

That said, the most important aspect to ongoing outdoor winter enjoyment is to remove any existing snow.

“Whether you have a wood or capped-composite deck, we recommend not using metal shovels for this, but plastic ones. If you feel it necessary to use de-icing materials, rock salt is the best choice for any deck surface.  Be sure to choose rock salt that is labeled safe for flagstone or concrete and will not kill grass.”


Award-winning Deck and Patio Fiberon Project

Award-winning Deck and Patio Fiberon Project

The Director of Marketing Communications at Fiberon, Edie Kelly does not recommend using sand to remove ice and snow because that can mar a deck’s surface.

“If the snow is light, a broom is a good choice or, again, a plastic shovel, Kello recommends sweeping the used rock salt into the trash, then rinsing the deck off to remove any residue. This is especially important if you have pets.

“You can use a pressure washer if you like, but we recommend not going beyond 3,000 PSI (pounds per square inch). Also, keep the nozzle about 10” above the deck. This applies to both wood and composite decking.“

Fiberon also says it is important to shovel parallel to the boards and not horizontally.



Snowy, Icy Landscape

Snowy, Icy Landscape


Backyard Upgrades: As you learn the best ways to enjoy your deck and patio during winter, it’s a great time to ponder what changes you’d like to make for spring.

And it’s okay if you have no idea how to look through snow and plan for spring. The key is: design/build experts like Deck and patio do know. And we can help you see through winter to spring.




A Custom Outdoor Kitchen For the Holidays

Updated 10-19-23

Custom Outdoor Kitchen to Fit Your Needs

Custom Outdoor Kitchen to Fit Your Needs



With Thanksgiving not that far away and several festive celebrations in December, it’s not too late to install or upgrade your outdoor cooking area.  It’ll be great not just for the holidays — it can be part of your own summer ‘staycation.’



Benefits of Custom Outdoor Kitchen

Could you use another oven for all those holiday side dishes? Do you want to smoke your turkey this year? How about a spot for cocktails to keep guests out of your way while you’re prepping the meal inside?

“That’s what custom outdoor kitchens allow for,” says our own Dave Stockwell. “It’s what you need or what your budget will allow. But a lot is possible.”

Baked or Grilled Apples

Baked or Grilled Apples


Did you know, for example, you can grill an apple pie? Or a pumpkin one? Or how about stuffed and grilled apples?

Do you want to smoke your turkey this year? Could you use another oven for all those side dishes? How about a spot for cocktails to keep guests out of your way while you’re prepping the meal?

And did you know you can grill an apple pie? Or a pumpkin one? Or how about stuffed and grilled apples?

With Thanksgiving not that far away and several festive celebrations in December, it’s not too late to install or upgrade your outdoor cooking area.


Outdoor Kitchen Ideas

Feature Photo: D&P Outdoor Kitchen

Feature Photo: D&P Outdoor Kitchen

For the Deck and Patio project shown here (left), note the handsome granite bar/eating area, sink, ample grill, oven, refrigerator — a truly fantastic work/entertaining space during the holidays as well as for gatherings throughout the outdoor season. 

The shade pergola not only makes it comfortable for grilling in bright sun, but it helps delineate the space, making a grand architectural statement.




In the next Deck and Patio project, our clients asked that a smoker be added to their new custom outdoor kitchen.

Deck Outdoor Activity Center

Deck Outdoor Activity Center:


Deck and Patio designed it as part of a custom activity area. We fitted it on the mid-level of a new 3-level deck. Just steps from the top-level’s large seating area, the custom outdoor kitchen/dining area includes a new grill, refrigerator, a small bar to enjoy the water views, and that special smoker/cooker. 

The entire kitchen area is all set within curved custom cabinetry with a raised bar that mimics the decking in style and design.



Outdoor Kitchen on Lower Patio

Outdoor Kitchen on Lower Patio


This time of year, it’s also great if your outdoor kitchen has a heat source nearby like the custom fire put Deck and Patio created for this family.

We contracted the kitchen’s amenities on a lower of two new Deck and Patio patios. The outdoor kitchen includes a built-in stainless steel grill, expansive work area, sink, refrigerator and eating/drinking bar with stools.



Outdoor Kitchen with Ronda insulated drawers

Outdoor Kitchen with Ronda insulated drawers

Unless the property has a destination pool area etc., Deck and Patio frequently locates outdoor kitchens fairly close to the inside of the house. 

As for the particular amenities shown here, one trend we’re seeing in outdoor kitchens are warming/cooling drawers made by companies like Ronda. These insulated drawers are sealed and work without electricity. Your drinks stay cool or your food stays warm depending on what you put in its lower drawer.

They have a magnetic seal, which along with being waterproof will also keep away bugs and dust. Indeed, you can choose a single drawer just for keeping dishes and cutlery completely clean.


An Upgraded Outdoor Kitchen Can be Cost-Effective

Indoor Kitchen Remodel

Indoor Kitchen Remode

“We find sometimes that clients opt for a fully-equipped outdoor kitchen as a more cost-effective way to extend their indoor cooking area — without having to remodel the whole kitchen,” says our own Dave Stockwell. “This is especially true when the home is on the smaller side.”

Of course, adds Dave, even those who already have large modern indoor kitchens love the convenience of an outdoor center that can become the heart of outdoor parties and gatherings.”



Outdoor Kitchens:

Outdoor Kitchens:



For more ideas on custom outdoor kitchens by Deck and Patio you can simply search our website.  





Should I Add a Deck, Patio, or Driveway in Fall?


Updated 11-14-24

Many people think spring is the time to do yard upgrades, but it’s really not the ideal time. Fall is actually the best time to add or refurbish — a deck, patio, pool surround, or driveway. 

Why? Well, first, there are the immediate advantages of extending the outdoor season. Perhaps you’ll include a seat wall and/or fire pit with your new patio. Or a handsome deck bench beside a fire feature. 

In addition, there will be less damage to plants while digging up your property. Also, there’s less rainfall in autumn, thus shortening the time it takes to build.

“Building in fall not only makes you ready for next year,” says our own Dave Stockwell, “but you can enjoy these amenities well into late fall.”

So, actually, fall is the perfect time to do construction in your yard.



In addition to choosing the right design like the right height for the deck, the most important thing is choosing the deck material you want to use, i.e., natural wood, capped composite and pressure-treated wood.

Here’s some of the most commonly used deck materials:



Determining Height of Deck

Determining Height of Deck

— cedar

— mahogany,

— Ipe

— TimberTech

— Trex

— Fiberon



Of course, there are advantages and limitations to each of these. And our team is happy to help you choose the best product for your needs.


Patios, Driveways, Pool Surrounds


Fall Weather

Fall Weather

When it comes to these hardscapes, digging up your property in fall is less of a hassle after the outdoor season is mostly over and you’re not outside as much.

Also, just like with building a deck, there’s less damage to the landscape when plants are dormant. 

Not to mention you’ll find that design/build firms like Deck and Patio have more time open on their schedules in autumn so they can provide quicker service as opposed to our busiest months.


Types of Hardscape Materials

Choosing the right hardscape materials is important in the northeast’s freeze/thaw climate. The wrong products trap heat in the summer which can be tough on bare feet. And who wants to wear shoes or sandals around a pool or hot tub?

 That said, it’s equally important that the paving material you choose can stand up to the freezing weather that occurs in our cold seasons. 

“Helping our clients choose the right product is part of our service,” says Dave. 

“And whether the choice ends up being brick, natural stone, pavers or other landscaping materials, at Deck and Patio we know how to install them correctly. We have earned many HNA awards from the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute which signify the superior design ability and competence of installation by our construction experts.”


Examples of Deck and Patio Hardscape Projects


Patio Techo-Bloc Pavers


Outdoor Kitchen on Lower Patio

Outdoor Kitchen on Lower Patio

This photo (above) shows a two-level patio we built for our clients in Tech-Bloc’s Borealis’ modular slabs. On the lower of two new Deck and Patio patios, we added an outdoor kitchen with built-in stainless steel grill, expansive work area, sink, refrigerator and eating/drinking bar with stools. 

The upper level is a lovely dining area with custom fire pit and nearby is a hot tub with stream and waterfalls.


Driveway Tumbled Pavers


Paving Stone Driveway:

Paving Stone Driveway:

Deck and Patio’s design team was brought in during the early stages of planning and construction of this home and its many hardscapes. 

Working with the architect and homeowners, in front, our design team created a driveway in earth-tone concrete tumbled pavers that appear as an extension of the geometric patters and hues of the home’s Glen Gary brick.


Pool Surrounds


Deck and Patio Travertine Patio/Pool Surround:

Deck and Patio Travertine Patio/Pool Surround:

Here is a lovely example of natural stone. Travertine is a gorgeous natural stone that can make a beautiful patio. Here the Travertine surrounds a 50-foot-long pool, 800-square-foot pool house, an outdoor kitchen with natural stone facade, and an outdoor shower. 

Note: Although Travertine has traditionally been used indoors in colder climates, more and more it is being used outdoors. Be careful, however, from where the stone is quarried. You want Travertine from Italy, Mexico or Turkey, not China, which doesn’t hold up in the freeze/thaw conditions of the Northeast.


Cambridge Pool Surround:

Cambridge Pool Surround:

Handsome Cambridge Ledgestone XL “Toffee Onyx Light” pavers (Sherwood Collection) were chosen as a patio/pool surround for this yard. The pavers come in 3-piece design kits for a beautiful random design. 

The color of the pavers nicely pick up both the pool water while simultaneously suggesting beach sand for a beautiful natural appearance.


New Feature Photo

Feature Photo


The feature photo today is a Deck and Patio project where we added a deck for a Long Island family.

To learn more about different materials and design/build opportunities, contact Deck and Patio during regular business hours at 613-549-8100.




Add Some Color to your Labor Day Weekend Bash


Updated 8-29-24

Backyard grill? Check. Pool still open? Check. Shade umbrellas and loungers? Check. Cold drinks for the cooler? Check. Everything’s ready for your end-of-season Labor Day backyard bash. 

But, what about some final touches?

It’s not too late for you to add a few containers of flowers or plants to brighten up your deck, patio, or pool area for the long weekend. Even if you’re not hosting a party yourself, fresh plantings allow you to create a special hostess gift, like a bouquet from your very own garden.

Wondering where to add fresh pops of color around your yard? Here’s some ideas.


Multi-level Patios

Multi-level Patios Enhanced With Bright Plantings

These Deck and Patio clients (immediately above) wanted some color as they and guests move from one patio up to another. Note the bright red Anemones on the left and yellow Coneflowers on the right. With lots of additional green ferns, the natural stone steps feel like a true nature walk. 


Close Up of Coneflowers

Close Up of Coneflowers

Here’s a nice close up of coneflowers. Also known as aka Echinacea, thee are perfect for summer into fall. Native to our neck of the woods, they thrive in our climate. Not to mention, butterflies love them in case any Monarchs are passing by. They come in pink (like our feature photo above, red, orange, white and yellow. 


Wooden Bench Beside Brown Wood Fence

Wooden Bench Beside Brown Wood Fence

As you can see from this photo, you don’t require a resort to add a few pops of color. Here, it’s just a simple wooden bench that becomes celebrated by hanging a few planters on a complementary brown wood fence.


Anemone Windflower -- or "Honorine Jobert

Anemone Windflower — or “Honorine Jobert

Honorine Jobert offer bright yellow hearts and are a great choice to plant mid-to-late August. The Windflower will bloom through October and it prefers shade-to-partial sun, and moist, well-drained soil.


Chelone, (aka Turtlehead)

Chelone, (aka Turtlehead)

Chelone, (aka Turtlehead) boasts purple/red flowerings; it also does well in both shade and sun.


Sedum or Autumn Joy

Sedum or Autumn Joy

Sedums like the “upright” like Autumn Joy, as well as Asters, are also great choices. These prefer sun and are available in many different varieties and shades of pink and purple.




Add Pops of Color Poolside

Add Pops of Color Poolside



“It’s easy to make a splash this Labor Day weekend with bright plantings around your property,” says Dave Stockwell. “These ideas for adding color and beauty will not only make Labor Day Weekend entertaining colorful, but the impact will last well into the fall.” 


Extend Your Outdoor Season in Comfort

Whether you want a spot that’s bug-free or offers the presence of a fan providing a breeze, or has readily available entertainment like a TV, there is a way to extend your outdoor season with just such comforts.

Including a pool house when adding a pool is one popular way Long Islanders extend the outdoor season well into fall. And when the owners of a very large property on Long Island’s North Shore contacted us, Deck and Patio helped them plan a new destination-pool area that included a comfortable space for family and entertainment activities.

In addition to designing/building a new 50-foot-long and 26-foot-wide pool, with an elegant Travertine patio, spillover spa and waterfalls, because the pool area was to be a distance from their main house, they also wanted the ability to cook by the pool.



Pool House with Travertine Patio:

Pool House with Travertine Patio:


And to enjoy all these amenities at night, in a place that was ‘bug-free,’ for the pool house design, our team consulted with an architect familiar to us.

The collaborative effort inspired a building that is in keeping with their main home’s overall elegance. In fact, it was their home which inspired the pool house’s reverse gable. 





Special pool house amenities included:

  • 800-square-foot pool house with a 20-by-20 screened room and bathroom;

  • one great room with sofa

  • flat screen television

  • washer/dryer

  • refrigerator

  • second storage closet

  • outdoor kitchen with natural stone facade, and an

  • outdoor shower



Even those evenings when it’s too chilly to go in the pool, it’s wonderful to be outdoors in the comfort of a pool house with television. One of the two rooms has screens on two sides where they can enjoy warm or cool nights without pesky insects.

The completed project won an International Silver Pool Award from the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP) the very next year after winning a 2009 Bronze Pool Award from the Northeast Spa & Pool Association (NESPA).


Pool House Ceiling (Long Island/NY):

Pool House Ceiling (Long Island/NY):

An expanse of cedar planks allows for drama and a clean natural look inside the pool house.


Vinyl Pool (Long Island/NY):

Vinyl Pool (Long Island/NY):

With concrete wall and a vinyl liner, the approximately 50’-long-and-26’-wide pool offers a spillover spa, tanning shelf, volleyball court, diving rock and moss rock waterfall. The free-form pool is surrounded by an elegant Travertine patio.


Pool House Outdoor Kitchen (Long Island/NY):

Pool House Outdoor Kitchen (Long Island/NY):

The pool house’s outdoor kitchen (and indoor bathroom) required a second septic system to support such amenities as a kitchen sink, built-in barbecue, storage, and small refrigerator. A real stone veneer adds natural elegance.


Destination Pool and Pool House (Long Island/NY):

Destination Pool and Pool House (Long Island/NY):

At night, the destination pool area is as romantic as it is serene. It is an idyllic spot for parties that begin in the day and continue long into the night.


Avoid Travel Hassles: Vacation On Your Deck Instead

Air Travel Can Be Challenging

Air Travel Can Be Challenging

Recently, air travel has become one nightmare story after another. And gasoline costs are still very high. However, if you have a deck, or are thinking of having one built or updated, you could go camping — or even glamping – right on your own back step.

Camping on a deck you ask? Well, it meets the first rule of camping to locate your tent on level ground. Your deck certainly provides that.

Plus, you can even go fancy, like the deck tent set up in our feature photo at the top of this page. You can even leave it there through the summer-early-fall months. So it’s ready when you feel the need to get away. 

Should you require a deck built or an existing one remodeled, you can visit our design center or call our office to set up an appointment for someone to visit your property. 

“When you visit our design center,” says our own Dave Stockwell, “you can see actual samples of materials – various types of natural wood and composite materials in many varieties of textures and colors. We will help you select the right type for your installation, based on the design of the project, the surroundings and landscaping.”


The Joys of Camping!

If camping is a new experience for you, either on your deck or at a campsite, consider what it’ll be like falling asleep to the sound of crickets and waking to a symphony of birds.

Deck Railing Planter

Deck Railing Planter

And you don’t need to live in a natural wilderness to experience getting away. It’s easy to “naturalize” your deck with a few containers of plants to add to the adventure.

But, first, you must begin with a tent. Putting up a tent isn’t that hard as you’ll see from the video immediately below. This was put together by an Aussie who shares the types of tents you can choose as well as how to open and close them down.







Deck Camping Tips

  • folding chairs allow you to leave the tent from time to time.

  • String a few lights

  • Set up some citronella candles

  • Sleeping bags (unless you want to “clamp: it up — see below

  • Kids favorite blankets and sleep items

  • No worry about snacks – your kitchen is just steps away!



Glamp It Up!

Glamping takes a bit more work than pitching a tent. For some creative ideas on what goes into have a luxurious camping experience, we found a lot of ideas at the website of glamping holiday resorts.

For example, our feature photo at the top of our blog is from Daylesford Holiday Park (Victoria Australia). And their website offers some great comfort amenities to get you thinking about what you could include in and around your tent.


Hudson Valley Luxury Camping

Hudson Valley Luxury Camping


Closer to home, the Collective Hudson Valley has some very sophisticated ideas for true glamping.

Their retreat at Liberty Farms is inspiring. Their setups may be a bit of work if you plan to only camp out for a night or two. But if you want to have your own summer-long glamp-site, their website is not to be missed for ideas.



However, if you want to upgrade a camping experience from just plain sleeping bags to something a bit more refined, Pinterest has a wealth of ideas for easy glamping. Here’s just one helpful post we found:



“Setting Up Camp ..With so many options available, finding a pop-up weatherproof tent has never been easier. Choose one that best meets your needs in terms of size and portability. This one from Ikea works well because it has a solid structure, movable drapes and is large enough to fit two cots.”

“Setting Up Camp
..With so many options available, finding a pop-up weatherproof tent has never been easier. Choose one that best meets your needs in terms of size and portability. This one from Ikea works well because it has a solid structure, movable drapes and is large enough to fit two cots.”



By |2022-07-21T23:06:52-05:00July 21st, 2022|Backyard Escapes, Composite Decking, Deck and Patios, Design and Build Experts, Family Fun, Fiberon, Landscape Planning, Outdoor Living, Patios & Decks, TimberTech, Trex Decking, Unique Ideas, Wood Decks|Comments Off on Avoid Travel Hassles: Vacation On Your Deck Instead
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