Backyard Ponds Clean Enough for Swimming

Deck and Patio specializes in building ponds so clear and pristine you can swim in them (even if you don’t wish to). 

Remember, all bacteria isn’t bad. Some good bacteria kill the bad guys. A healthy natural swimming pond is very possible and is worth all the care you give it. 

The goal, of course, is that any pond at a minimum be healthy for fish and aquatic plants. This kind of water feature is a joy to sit by, listen to; it’s also the perfect outdoor attraction for entertaining.


Natural Swimming Ponds


Pristine Deck and Patio Pond

Pristine Deck and Patio Pond

Swimming In Deck and Patio Pond

Swimming In Deck and Patio Pond








The pond shown above is one of two ponds that our clients had us create in their yard which overlooks Long Island Sound. 

Now you may think that the lovely young woman in the pond (upper left) is avoiding any ‘ewwww’ factor by using a floating device. But as you’ll see from the second photo (above right), she’s not bothered at all by healthy pond life. Indeed, this pond is pure and clean — a joy to swim in.


Infinity Pond (Long Island/NY)

Infinity Pond (Long Island/NY)

This infinity pond is part of the above double pond project that includes the swimming pond. It is a vanishing edge/infinity pond — one of the first done in North America. It brings Long Island sound right up to their back door.

The entire project includes the infinity pond, a stream, waterfalls, the lower swimming pond, and a natural biological filtration system that is continuously maintaining the feature’s crystal-clear water.


Koi Ponds and‘Pondless’ Waterfalls


Koi Ponds (Long Island/NY):

Koi Ponds (Long Island/NY):

Some ponds, like this one, is intended as a koi pond and not a natural swimming pond. One way to ensure your pond is sufficiently pristine for swimming is not to overload it with koi or other pond fish. 

This allows the aquatic plants and filtration systems the ability to absorb and “clean” the pond sufficiently for an enjoyable swim.

Koi ponds are a delight and an enchanting spot for mediating or to sit beside for reading. Not to mention, children love to feed the fish. Such a pond offers endless enticements for youngsters. 


Pondless Waterfalls

Pondless Waterfalls

The simplest pond to have is pondless. “Some of our clients prefer this as it will take much less time to clean up a pond-less waterfall than a pond basin each season,” says our own Dave Stockwell. “It is also a safer environment when children are very young.”