
Stepping Stones Help Make the Most of Your Backyard 

Long Island has many expansive properties — as well as places where space is at a premium. No matter its size, stepping stones can help you make the most out of the property you have.


Create Stepping Stone Areas in Lieu of Patios

Stepping Stone Paths (Long Island/NY):

Stepping Stone Paths (Long Island/NY):



These clients, for example, wanted a footpath leading to their tool shed. But they had a small backyard. And we were already installing extensive multi-level paver patios. So it wasn’t surprising they didn’t want more solid hardscape on the opposite side of the pool.

Instead, bluestone stepping stones allowed for greenery to show through. Along with attractive plantings on either side of the pathway, the journey to their shed offers an uplifting experience that’s not just about the tasks at hand.




Hide Storage and Equipment 

Long Island/NY Backyard Nature Walk:

Long Island/NY Backyard Nature Walk:


For these Deck and Patio clients, we combined several good ideas for maximizing space.

The stepping stones were installed to make a special walking area for the homeowners as they move around their backyard.

“While this kind of space is ideal on its own,” says our own Dave Stockwell, “the idea came to us when we were looking for a creative way to hide their new swimming pool equipment.

“We decided to create this wilderness area with plantings etc. in a way that offered contemplation moments while at the same time finding a creative way to hide their pool equipment.”




Create Memorable Escape


Waterfall Walk

Waterfall Walk




In this Deck and Patio project, the bluestone stepping stones were installed to lead past cascading waterfalls, including a dramatic 7’-high waterfall. “This is a very special experience for the clients,” says Dave. “The waterfall is reminiscent of their family’s vacations.

“Usually waterfalls drop into a pond or pool and you can’t walk this close to them. But these fall on firm ground, installed over river rock, underneath which is a ‘pondless’ reservoir.








Practical Pathway 

Stepping Stones and Ponds

Stepping Stones and Ponds

Not all stepping stones are flat bluestone slabs. The Japanese introduced Zen-garden landscape design centuries ago, inspiring the world to place larger stones as stepping stones across ponds and water feature

“The clients’ desire for a natural-scape in this yard helped inspire us,” says Dave.

First, Deck and Patio installed regular flat bluestone stepping stones leading up to a flowing stream water feature we were doing. Then, larger natural stones were added to walk across the stream.

More flat bluestone was positioned on the other side as a walkway up to the clients’ pool area. Finally, we also added moss rock in various places which adds color and texture.

“Our clients even enjoy it in winter when the moss rock boulders around the stream become sparkling ice sculptures,” adds Dave.




Ponds, Decks, and Landscaping

Ponds, Decks, and Landscaping

Feature Photo: A deck can be part of the pond/stepping stone contemplation space, too. This Deck and Patio deck was designed with a viewing platform to enjoy the new pond with waterfalls and beautiful landscaping.

At the bottom of a set of stairs, we placed the first of several large stepping stones leading from the deck, providing a delightful walk across the pond to other viewing areas of the multi-faceted water feature.




Backyard Upgrades that Fido And Kitty Will Love

Like humans, dogs and cats love the outdoors. So today we’re all about backyard upgrades that Fido or Kitty will love.



  1. Synthetic Turf Dog Run

Photo: SYNLawn

What’s not to love about synthetic grass? There’s no mowing. No watering. No weed pulling. Synthetic turf does not harbor fleas or ticks. It offers good drainage. Is kid-friendly — and above all, dog friendly. Not to mention your pet will not be exposed to chemicals or natural-grass pesticides that some believe cause allergies.

If that’s not enough reason to go synthetic for Fido, imagine no brown spots or holes to fill because of the dog’s activities. Plus, after a rambunctious outing, he’ll be as clean as he was before he went out — no tracking mud and dirt back into the house, even when the weather is bad. We also understand cleaning synthetic turf is quite easy.

There are a variety of manufacturers of turf grass. Our photo today is courtesy of SYNLawn. We want to thank them for sharing a photo of two best-pups relaxing on a dog run made from their synthetic turf.


2. Upscale Pet Playhouse

Photo: Long Island Builders institute’s (LIBI)

Photo: Long Island Builders institute’s (LIBI)


We’re highlighting this pet playhouse because, although it was built to be a donation, it highlights a growing trend for residential backyards. It was showcased along with other upscale pet playhouses at Long Island Builders Institute’s (LIBI) Annual Home, Trade and Remodeling Expo a while back. The playhouses were built by various LIBI members and were later donated to local town animal shelters.

This handsome playhouse is shaped like a dinosaur, which the team at LIBI describes as welcoming “any little animal who wants to play and rest.” It was donated to the Hempstead animal shelter. Cool, yes?

Thanks to LIBI for sharing it with us.




3.  Good Pond Design

Deck and Patio Pond in Spring

Deck and Patio Pond in Spring


While Kitty may not be the best pet to have around a koi pond (not if you love your fish, too). But Fido will enjoy watching and not harm these friendly aquatic jewel companions. 

Tip: As the weather warms, pond fish come out of winter hibernation. As koi lethargy turns to activity, inactivity in the family is also overcome. Children want to run outside and feed them. And Fido can’t wait to get up close and spend time watching his friends swim around.




4. Garden Fences

Garden Fence Construction:

Garden Fence Construction:

Vegetable Garden Fencing:

Vegetable Garden Fencing:








In recent years, there has been a huge surge in home vegetableSo, today, the garden fence idea we’re sharing is intended to help you keep Fido out of mischief.

This was on the mind of Deck and Patio clients — who brought us in to build a new patio, shade pergola, wood-burning fireplace, fire pit, landscaping etc. — also wanted a small herb/vegetable garden.

The only problem was the homeowners feared the larger of their two dogs would trample any garden they created. Some sort of fencing would be required. But they wanted something that didn’t detract from the limited natural space they had.

While considering our clients’ concerns, we were cutting down a large overgrown bush in the yard when a unique idea occurred to our project manager. A fence made from the old bush would offer a whimsical piece of natural design to the yard.

And speaking of fencing …



     5. Install a “catio”

Catios Require Proper Enclosures

Catios Require Proper Enclosures

Just like the name suggests, a ‘catio’ is a cat-patio. They can stand alone or be attached to one of your home’s doors or windows. In this way, the cat can go out and in when it chooses.

What you want for this space is an opened-framed enclosure that has walls. While some suggest chicken wire for this, a building expert known to this writer also happens to help run a cat shelter. He says be sure to choose 16-gauge galvanized fencing, because regular chicken wire leaves jagged edges and the kitties can actually get their claws stuck in it and hurt themselves.

For a wide variety of catio ideas we suggest the blogs by Catiospaces.



6.  A Water Fountain for Kitty

Fountain for Kitty

Fountain for Kitty


Cats are notorious for being fussy about their water bowls. And forget about giving them a bath. 

But did you realize they do like running water? They are smart enough to stay away from standing water which can grow bacteria while recognizing running water is fresh.

So providing Kitty some sort of gentle fountain outdoors will ensure your cat drinks more water during the day. And considering many cats don’t drink enough water, such a fountain solves that problem while providing an enjoyable sound for humans as well.

“We can build a special custom fountain for your yard,” says our own Dave Stockwell, “and we also have ready-made fountain kits that you can install yourself or we can install for you.”





7.  Provide Hiding Spots

The upscale pet playhouse (shown above) is a good idea for cats as well. Creating warm, dark, enclosed spaces where your cat can get away to is just as helpful outdoors as indoors.

Outdoor scratching posts and something they can safely climb are also good ideas. 


Cats, dogs, cows, pigs all love being outdoors. Even in winter! We thought all you pet lovers would enjoy a few moments of watching animals frolicking in the snow. 

Pantone’s 2023 Color of the Year: Living the ‘Viva Magenta’ Life


Artificial intelligence was used to generate Pantone’s images of the “Magentaverse.”

Artificial intelligence was used to generate Pantone’s images of the “Magentaverse.”



Pantone’s vivid crimson color — ‘Viva Magenta’ — is their 2023 color of the year. Elley Cheng, Pantone’s vice president and general manager, said that this tone “merges the warmth of the natural world with the endless, rich possibilities of the digital space.”




Pantone’s color choice may be intended to go beyond our natural world, However, Deck and Patio can’t help but keep our focus on how this vibrant cheerful color, which experts say inspires contentment, cheerfulness, and happiness, can be part of uplifting our clients’ daily lives.

Plant flowers, be happy

Plant flowers, be happy


Tip: Deck and Patio designers frequently receive requests for plants in the latest popular colors. We won’t be surprised to be asked for plantings in the vein of Pantone’s color for this year.

So let’s get planning our spring gardens — and magenta away.


Phlox paniculata:

Phlox paniculata:



These star-shaped perennials come in many colors, including a vibrant magenta. They bloom early spring and the tall phlox to mid-to-late summer. Low-growing phlox work well as ground cover while the tall phlox are a superb colorful backdrop.

“And the medium-height of phlox,” says our own Dave Stockwell, “offer a nice fragrance, are low maintenance and can nicely fill in any gaps.”





Magenta Coneflowers:

Magenta Coneflowers:



Today’s feature photo captures one of our pool landscaping projects, with magenta coneflowers helping to add cheer to this fun family space. 

Also known as Echinacea, these flowers are perfect for summer into fall. Native to our neck of the woods, they thrive in our climate. Not to mention, butterflies love them. 




Red Anemones

Magenta Red Anemones


Above a natural retaining wall, Deck and Patio carved out a patio area with waterfall where our clients can sit after a stroll and breathe it all in. Note the bright red Anemones on the left, across from the yellow Coneflowers. With lots of additional green ferns, the natural stone steps feel like a true nature walk. And that magenta red really makes you smile.




Monarda (Bee Balm)

Monarda (Bee Balm)



Native to North America, this beautiful flowering plant is from the mint family. It’s easy to grow, is deer resistant, and attracts pollinators. Its tubular flowers come in a variety colors including these magenta-red tubular flowers.





“There are loads of lovely magenta plants or flowers available for local gardens,” says Dave Stockwell. “Just speak with any member of our team, or contact our office, and we’ll be happy to include such cheerful blooms in your yard.”



A Natural Backyard Retreat for All Seasons

Even when snow is falling, a backyard oasis can offer delightful daily escapes.

Once championed mainly for their ‘staycation’ appeal, such natural retreats have become popular for short daily escapes. Listening to the trickle of water while birds sing is an ideal way to escape technology and hyper-activity. 

But did you know these escapes are equally enjoyable in winter — as well as in spring, summer, fall?

Note: The New York Times is reporting this week that there’s health benefits to such relaxing enjoyments. Spending time in nature, says the NY Times, “is good for your mind … [it] decreases stress, sharpens concentration and improves long-term mental health outcomes.”



Relax in Your Spa — While The Koi Hibernate

If you add a backyard koi pond as part of your retreat, it no doubt will include a small cave where the koi can lay dormant during winter months. 

However, that does not mean you need to hide in your own indoor home-cave. Consider this home’s backyard oasis:


“Winter Wonderland” Backyard Oasis:

“Winter Wonderland” Backyard Oasis:

The clear, crisp winter air makes for extraordinary sunsets and starry nights — made all the more splendid with a vanishing edge pool or pond.

Under the stillness of one of our large multi-faceted water features (vanishing edge upper pond and lower pond, waterfalls, and a gentle stream) Deck and Patio’s outdoor living expert installed an extremely high tech and a complex natural biological filtration system that continuously maintains the feature’s crystal clear water.



The same Deck and Patio project shown immediately above is pictured below here in spring. 

Photo: Backyard Water Features/Natural Biological Filtration:

An extremely high tech and complex natural biological filtration system maintains this feature’s crystal clear water all year long.

The same Deck and Patio project shown immediately above is pictured below here in spring. 


Backyard Water Features/Natural Biological Filtration:

Backyard Water Features/Natural Biological Filtration:

An extremely high tech and complex natural biological filtration system maintains this feature’s crystal clear water all year long.


Summer, Autumn

Again, the same project is a lush paradise when it’s easy being green. 

In autumn, leaves from the trees fall into the water and are pushed along the stream where they are caught in a bed of gravel and are easy to remove, like emptying a skimmer basket in a pool. 

Considering the energy efficient pumps, which only ramp up when the homeowners arrive home, as well as the fact that the system harvests rain water to help sustain its underground water reserve, it’s a project to delight the heart of any green enthusiast.


Multi-Functional Water Feature:

Multi-Functional Water Feature:

Every part of this water feature (summer view) has a reason and purpose and works together in an ecologically friendly way. 

Project’s Biological Filtration System

This water feature project includes three bodies of water: two ponds at two levels, and a 3,000-gallon underground storage vault of water – all kept clear and clean with “biological filtration” through the use of beneficial bacteria, plants and other filter media.

The vanishing edge upper pond is raised in front of a bluff. Water spills from it into a delightful connecting meandering stream down to the lower pond located at the side of the house.

Water is pumped from the underground vault to both ponds through variable energy efficient speed pumps. In the upper pond, water enters from its floor. In the lower, it enters through a separate bog – a natural filtering system – and continues through a waterfall into that pond.

Except for what is pumped in from below, everything works through gravity along gradations that our team created in the landscape. Every part of the water feature has a reason and purpose and works together in an ecologically friendly way.



A Custom Outdoor Kitchen For the Holidays

Updated 10-19-23

Custom Outdoor Kitchen to Fit Your Needs

Custom Outdoor Kitchen to Fit Your Needs



With Thanksgiving not that far away and several festive celebrations in December, it’s not too late to install or upgrade your outdoor cooking area.  It’ll be great not just for the holidays — it can be part of your own summer ‘staycation.’



Benefits of Custom Outdoor Kitchen

Could you use another oven for all those holiday side dishes? Do you want to smoke your turkey this year? How about a spot for cocktails to keep guests out of your way while you’re prepping the meal inside?

“That’s what custom outdoor kitchens allow for,” says our own Dave Stockwell. “It’s what you need or what your budget will allow. But a lot is possible.”

Baked or Grilled Apples

Baked or Grilled Apples


Did you know, for example, you can grill an apple pie? Or a pumpkin one? Or how about stuffed and grilled apples?

Do you want to smoke your turkey this year? Could you use another oven for all those side dishes? How about a spot for cocktails to keep guests out of your way while you’re prepping the meal?

And did you know you can grill an apple pie? Or a pumpkin one? Or how about stuffed and grilled apples?

With Thanksgiving not that far away and several festive celebrations in December, it’s not too late to install or upgrade your outdoor cooking area.


Outdoor Kitchen Ideas

Feature Photo: D&P Outdoor Kitchen

Feature Photo: D&P Outdoor Kitchen

For the Deck and Patio project shown here (left), note the handsome granite bar/eating area, sink, ample grill, oven, refrigerator — a truly fantastic work/entertaining space during the holidays as well as for gatherings throughout the outdoor season. 

The shade pergola not only makes it comfortable for grilling in bright sun, but it helps delineate the space, making a grand architectural statement.




In the next Deck and Patio project, our clients asked that a smoker be added to their new custom outdoor kitchen.

Deck Outdoor Activity Center

Deck Outdoor Activity Center:


Deck and Patio designed it as part of a custom activity area. We fitted it on the mid-level of a new 3-level deck. Just steps from the top-level’s large seating area, the custom outdoor kitchen/dining area includes a new grill, refrigerator, a small bar to enjoy the water views, and that special smoker/cooker. 

The entire kitchen area is all set within curved custom cabinetry with a raised bar that mimics the decking in style and design.



Outdoor Kitchen on Lower Patio

Outdoor Kitchen on Lower Patio


This time of year, it’s also great if your outdoor kitchen has a heat source nearby like the custom fire put Deck and Patio created for this family.

We contracted the kitchen’s amenities on a lower of two new Deck and Patio patios. The outdoor kitchen includes a built-in stainless steel grill, expansive work area, sink, refrigerator and eating/drinking bar with stools.



Outdoor Kitchen with Ronda insulated drawers

Outdoor Kitchen with Ronda insulated drawers

Unless the property has a destination pool area etc., Deck and Patio frequently locates outdoor kitchens fairly close to the inside of the house. 

As for the particular amenities shown here, one trend we’re seeing in outdoor kitchens are warming/cooling drawers made by companies like Ronda. These insulated drawers are sealed and work without electricity. Your drinks stay cool or your food stays warm depending on what you put in its lower drawer.

They have a magnetic seal, which along with being waterproof will also keep away bugs and dust. Indeed, you can choose a single drawer just for keeping dishes and cutlery completely clean.


An Upgraded Outdoor Kitchen Can be Cost-Effective

Indoor Kitchen Remodel

Indoor Kitchen Remode

“We find sometimes that clients opt for a fully-equipped outdoor kitchen as a more cost-effective way to extend their indoor cooking area — without having to remodel the whole kitchen,” says our own Dave Stockwell. “This is especially true when the home is on the smaller side.”

Of course, adds Dave, even those who already have large modern indoor kitchens love the convenience of an outdoor center that can become the heart of outdoor parties and gatherings.”



Outdoor Kitchens:

Outdoor Kitchens:



For more ideas on custom outdoor kitchens by Deck and Patio you can simply search our website.  





Celebrate Community Spirit at Long Island’s Fall Festival: Oct 7 – 10!

Huntington Township Chamber of Commerce’s Fall Festival Logo

Huntington Township Chamber of Commerce’s Fall Festival Logo


The weather promises to be spectacular for living it up this Columbus Weekend at the largest fall festival of its kind in the Northeast — the Long Island Fall Festival at Heckscher Park in Huntington.

The Town of Huntington and the Huntington Township Chamber of Commerce are putting together a truly special community event. World Class Carnival, three stages of Live Entertainment, Beer & Wine Pavilion, 300 vendors overall. 




Here’s the when and where:

LIFALLFESTIVAL/Photo: Huntington Township Chamber of Commerce

LI FALL FESTIVAL/Photo: Huntington Township Chamber of Commerce


Heckscher Park, Huntington

Friday, October 7,  5-10pm

Saturday and Sunday, October 8 & 9, 11am – 9pm

Monday, October 10, 11am – 5pm




Deck and Patio’s Participation

Heckscher Park: Deck and Patio

Heckscher Park: Deck and Patio



Deck and Patio is thrilled to once again be one of the Festival’s vendors. At our installation, you can expect to see close up a handsome Cambridge Pavingstone patio, gorgeous fall landscaping plants, fire features, water feature, and, of course, CAL Spas. 

Note: For the Festival, we are offering CAL Spas on sale — so this is a great opportunity to look them over!





“The Fall Festival is a great opportunity for local businesses etc. to exhibit what we do in a relaxed, fun, atmosphere,” says Deck and Patio’s Dave Stockwell. “Visitors can stop and ask questions without feeling any pressure, not to mention being able to see up close things they might only see in photos on the web.”

Dave adds that Heckscher Park, with all its natural beauty, is an ideal place for a design/build firm like Deck and Patio — that specializes in outdoor living — to showcase some of what we do. 


Heckscher Park: Deck and Patio

Heckscher Park: Deck and Patio

“For example, ponds, waterfalls are just the kind of thing you’d run across in parks and woodlands when you’re out walking a trail,” says Dave. “So our exhibit which includes a water feature will look right at home.”

Our award-winning staff will be there and can talk to you about any of your outdoor living needs — from pools, patios, decks, water features, hot tubs, pavilions, fire features and, of course, landscaping. Or just stop by and relax as you enjoy all the Fall Festival has to offer.

You can find Deck and Patio’s display area easily as we’re located right in the center of the Festival, overlooking the Chapin Stage in the Chamber Circle. 

“It’s a prime spot,” adds Dave, “we’re right where live streaming is, next to the Festival’s organizers and just west of the wonderful Chapin Stage.



Heckscher Park: Deck and Patio

Heckscher Park: Deck and Patio

See up close handsome patio pavers by Cambridge Pavingstones With ArmorTec, CAL Spas, water features, landscaping plants.


LI Fall Festival

LI Fall Festival



All festival photos (not of Deck and Patio’s own installation), including our feature photo at the top of the page are courtesy of Huntington Township Chamber of Commerce.





“So come for a world-calls carnival, two international food courts, four stages of live entertainment — and also get to know local Long Island businesses like us,” says Dave. 



Give Dad an Outdoor Kitchen Design Session

Give the Gift of a Design Session

Give the Gift of a Design Session

If like many Dads yours enjoys barbecuing, have you considered giving him the opportunity to design his own outdoor kitchen? 

Remember, while time may be too short to design/build him an outdoor kitchen, you can certainly schedule a design session for him by Father’s Day. 

All you need do is give him a card with the scheduled time and date. And if you’d like to wrap something he can open, why not print out some examples of Deck and Patio’s outdoor kitchens. 

For that purpose, below is a sampling of our custom projects. But you can choose another design from our files or online, and he can bring that to our design team.



Deck Outdoor Kitchen

Deck Outdoor Kitchen



This outdoor kitchen is sitting on a Trex deck (Spiced Rum) where we also created a bench against the railing.

Note how we faced some of the outdoor kitchen with matching boards so it all fits nicely together.






Outdoor Bar/Dining Area:

Outdoor Bar/Dining Area:

Dad, or the rest of the family, may want a bar and dining area as part of his outdoor kitchen, which can be accommodated depending on the space available and how the yard is laid out. 

For this bar/outdoor kitchen, Deck and Patio designed it in a curved shape to fit with the patio design. The kitchen/bar is faced in natural stone. The lounging area’s outdoor umbrella is portable and can be used where needed, including at the outdoor kitchen/bar.

Adding a bar to this outdoor kitchen allows space for guests and family to gather. And we installed this particular one near a Deck and Patio water feature with waterfalls next to a portable spa. (And, yes, we do have portable spas in stock.)




Outdoor Kitchen with Ronda insulated drawers

Outdoor Kitchen with Ronda insulated drawers

For some Dads, space will be at a premium. But he won’t have to sacrifice style.

One trend we’re seeing in outdoor kitchens is warming/cooling drawers made by companies like Ronda. These insulated drawers are sealed and work without electricity. Your drinks stay cool or your food stays warm depending on what you put in its lower drawer.

(Note: Deck and Patio frequently locates outdoor kitchens fairly close to the inside of the house — unless the property has a destination pool. In the case where all the outdoor living areas are a distance from the house, this requires different planning.)





Outdoor Kitchen with Ronda insulated drawers

Outdoor Kitchen with Ronda insulated drawers

For this project, Deck and Patio constructed a custom activity area on the mid-level of a 3-level deck.

Just steps from the top-level’s large seating area, the custom outdoor kitchen/dining area includes a new grill, refrigerator, a small bar to enjoy the water views, and even a smoker/cooker — all set within curved custom cabinetry with a raised bar that mimics the decking in style and design.

Wherever you locate your kitchen, just remember you don’t want to get burned up from intense sun during cooking or dining. A pergola is one answer. But another is to have moveable — yet sturdy — outdoor umbrellas for flexible shade.




Basic Outdoor Kitchen:

Basic Outdoor Kitchen:


# 5

Sometimes space is really tight and that’s no problem.

However. Providing an upgrade to Dad’s old grill may not require a whole lot — just some careful measuring and choosing the perfect amenities to fit the space.





Small Deck With Outdoor Kitchen

Small Deck With Outdoor Kitchen



Another example of Where there’s a will, there’s a way! to fit a full outdoor kitchen. All you could hope for tucked in the corner of a small deck.





If you’d like a few more ideas to print out for Dad, click here:


Feature: Outdoor Kitchen

Feature: Outdoor Kitchen

Feature photo at top of page: If you happen to have a pool, Dad may want his outdoor kitchen to be pool-side — where all the fun is happening.

In the case of this project (left), the kitchen is part of a drink/dining bar for fun gatherings. It includes ample work area, barbecue, sink, refrigerator along with the eating bar with bar stools.


Memorial Weekend: Bringing It Outside!

We Remember.

We Remember.

Updated 5-23-24

Memorial Weekend is a precious long weekend. A time of getting together with family and friends. As the first weekend of the outdoor living season, it’s the perfect time to open pools, heat up the barbecue, spend time gardening — or just revel in being outside.

The weather looks promising — at least Friday through Sunday there should be sun breaking through the clouds. And if a few raindrops fall on Memorial Day itself, that’s okay. It is an important time to honor our fallen soldiers. And we all want to do that. 

Note: being outside this weekend will provide the opportunity to take stock of your property and see if there’s some upgrades you’d like. With that in mind, enjoy the following ideas:


Where to Locate A New Outdoor Kitchen

Locating Outdoor Kitchen

Locating Outdoor Kitchen

One important outdoor living amenity is a fully equipped kitchen.

If you don’t already have one, deciding where to locate it is key. There are reasons for positioning it away from the house — should you have a ‘destination’ pool, or if other outdoor living areas are set at a distance from the house.

However, it’s generally a good idea to place an outdoor kitchen as close to the house as possible.

One obvious reason is you want it close to your indoor kitchen. In addition, your home’s extended roof, not to mention house walls, can provide your outdoor kitchen protection from the elements.

It’s also easier to hook up electricity by being so close to the home’s utility lines.


Combo Kitchen/Bar

Combo Kitchen/Bar

If your outdoor kitchen is for more than cooking and serving food, when it’s intended to also be a dining and drinking spot, you may want to set it where the activities take place.

When this is the case, your outdoor kitchen should be fully equipped so there’s less back and forth to the house. This requires lots of storage for bowls, cooking utensils, condiments, and definitely it should have a sink.

Wherever you choose to locate it, consider how much sun will be pouring down while dining, cooking, or drinking. A pergola can help or you might prefer moveable — yet sturdy — outdoor umbrellas for flexible shade. 



Stand Alone Outdoor Bars

Pergola/Outdoor Bar with Water Feature:

Pergola/Outdoor Bar with Water Feature:

Depending on what amenities you already have, or your particular landscape, it can be wise to have an outdoor bar/dining spot separate from where the cooking is being done.

And don’t limit yourself to what a bar can be. You can even add waterfalls. The elegant sheet falling ones seen in the photo here gave our clients the sleek modern look they wanted. And, of course, they also provide a very pleasant relaxing sound. This helps friends and family de-stress and invites easy conversation.



Adding Pool Amenities

Pools with Waterfalls

Pools with Waterfalls

Speaking of de-stressing. You might think that being able to cool off, do laps, or play water polo is enough to demand of a swimming pool.

But adding waterfalls can provide a whole new delightful experience.

Not only are these beautiful to look at, but imagine treading water underneath one. Or swimming under it.

Adding such a feature to a pool opens up lots of possibilities like incorporating other fun amenities with it: diving rocks, slides, as well as bright plantings.




Pool Waterfall

Pool Waterfall




Today’s Feature Photo: Happy Memorial Weekend everyone!




Create Your Ideal Outdoor Space

It is natural that what is considered an ideal space varies from client to client. Sometimes it’s making room for a pet run, or a deck or patio for dining; other times lush landscaping is wanted to entice the family outdoors; or the sounds of falling water is strongly desired; often it’s comfortable spaces for entertaining that is key. And, sometimes, it’s all of the above.

“One feature many of our clients love,” says Dave Stockwell, “is an outdoor room. These come in all shapes and sizes — from an enclosed pool house to pavilions, and even outdoor rooms without walls.”


Pergolas Define Outdoor Space

Pergolas Define Outdoor Space

But as you can see from our feature photo today, sometimes all that needs adding is a handsome pergola, comfortable furniture, and a patio to provide the perfect level of contented breathing room.

The elegance and size of this Travertine patio, for example, gave our clients the perfect floor for a comfortable outdoor living room.

Note how the pergola’s overhead slats create a shadow carpet that helps define the sense of an outdoor living room.

Along with the adjacent dining area, it is only steps from an outdoor kitchen/bar/barbecue, veneered in natural stone.




Lighting for Outdoor Spaces

Lighting for Outdoor Spaces



When it comes to enjoying your ideal outdoor space into the evening hours, you also have to think about lighting.

One way to handle this is with a closed roof. This shingle-roof pergola/pavilion with fireplace project was installed at the edge of a patio.

Note the handsome lighted columns set on stone pillars that match the fireplace. The lighting on the pillars and inside the roof contribute to a perfect evening ambience.






Outdoor Room on Deck:

Outdoor Room on Deck:


Of course, your ideal outdoor space doesn’t require a roof, let alone walls. Along with a hot tub set into a new multi-level deck (we sell CAL Spas at our showroom!), all the homeowners needed to carve out their own ideal space was a fire pit and a television.

Note: Today’s LED televisions can be properly encased to be theft-free.

Encasing the television carefully will also ensure the proper internal temperature control/circulation to protect it.

There are also televisions designed for outside use which resist rain, dust and other elements.




Landscaping Can Define Space

Landscaping Can Define Space

And, of course, your ideal space can be designed with no fixed structure at all. Landscaping can beautifully define the perfect outdoor spot. 

Along with lush plantings, these Deck and Patio clients opted to shade a self-supporting hammock with a tilt umbrella. 

They positioned the two next to their pool’s waterfall — creating a dreamy relaxing spot to enjoy leisurely time outdoors. And when the purple Allium is in bloom, (forefront), the space is all the more enticing.



“You don’t need a pool or waterfalls to create an ideal space,” says Dave. “A simple container garden can be grouped with seasonal flowers and you have the perfect place to relax outdoors.”



Backyard Upgrades: Two Different Ways To Cope with a Slope

There’s no denying that, even for design/build experts, sloped properties can be a challenge. In the end, as with much of life’s problems — creativity ends up being the key.

“The creative process begins when as we discover who our clients are and what their hopes are for their yard,” says Dave Stockwell, owner of Deck and Patio. “Devoting enough time to the interviewing process is an important first step.”

Today we’re highlighting two very different ways to ‘cope with a slope,’ The first project was for Long Island, NY, clients whose yard had a seven-foot elevation rising up from one end of their yard to the other, says Dave.


Project # 1

“The clients’ hopes for a full outdoor retreat — pool, spa, patio, waterfall, custom fire pit — all on a tight budget and created in a tighter space — added to the challenges of dealing with their yard’s slope.”


Full Outdoor Retreat on Sloped Property

Full Outdoor Retreat on Sloped Property

“Our biggest problem to solve was how to make everything appear like it fit in naturally without it all looking like a giant hill.”

Our design/build staff approached the project by taking on the grade in small bites — working out from an existing lower level patio to a new raised patio and then up to a pool. 

Note: By surrounding the hot tub with natural stone boulders with colorful plantings, the hot tub has a custom set-in-garden appeal. It was also positioned close to their back door so they can enjoy easy access year-long. (Note: You can ask our team about the portable CAL Spas we sell.)


Pool Moss Rock Waterfalls (Huntington/NY):

Pool Moss Rock Waterfalls (Huntington/NY):

Here you see the completed moss rock waterfall with the sweet potato vine we added. Landscaping helps bring a setting to life and softens the hardscape.

For more details about this project, click here.


Project # 2

Our second project earned The Deck and Patio Company a Silver Award from the Northeast Spa and Pool Association (NESPA). These homeowners are nature lovers. And their property had an unused slope near their patio. 

Our idea was to design/build a 35-foot-stream, with two stepping stone paths on either side, that gently moves along the grade solely with the help of Mother Nature’s gravity. 

We also positioned natural moss rock boulders and plantings, as well as river stones along its banks to make a perfect area for strolling, bird-watching, etc. The water flows down into a lovely free-form pond near the patio.


Nature-Loving Family (Long Island/NY):

Nature-Loving Family (Long Island/NY):

This stunning free-form pond is a huge hit with the clients’ entire nature-loving family. Everyone enjoys feeding and watching the vibrant koi as they swim about in it. “We even get to enjoy it all at night,” says the wife. “And we can see it from our home and offices, too.”


Picture-Perfect Waterfalls (Long Island/NY):

Picture-Perfect Waterfalls (Long Island/NY):

It takes expertise and experience to position rocks in such a way as to coax water into waterfalls just like it happens in nature. Members of Deck and Patio’s team enjoy the woods and hillsides of upstate New York — frequently stopping and studying how water flows over rock, how plants crop up alongside of such water trails, etc.

“The whole area attracts so much wildlife — like frogs and birds,” says the homeowner. “This is really one of our favorite things about having a stream and pond.”

The homeowners say they also enjoy the sounds of the waterfalls and the serenity they feel watching the fish swimming in the pond. “It’s something we look forward to at the end of a long day.”

To learn more about this backyard stream and pond, click here.



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